
Wednesday, 5 September 2012


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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The End of Growth, the Beginning of Something Wonderful?

Be inspired by Charles Eisenstein and others:

Hello everyone,

I've got a bunch of new interviews and articles to tell you about, and upcoming events.

In July I took a dizzying trip to Europe, did like 50 talks and interviews in 3 weeks, and met so many amazing people I still haven't digested it all. Then a trip to California that was likewise. When I get into a funk about the future of our species, I remember these meetings and think, with so many dynamic, brilliant, dedicated people serving the more beautiful world that wants to be born, how can I be pessimistic? To give you just one example, there's this young Kenyan guy, Philip Munyasia, who has started a permaculture oasis near the slum he grew up in, reversing desertification and getting destitute local children involved -- just amazing, his courage and creativity. I met him in Portugal as he was looking for angel funders. If any of you are in that category, here is his website and I could also get you in touch with him personally. It would be a very high-yield philanthropic "investment" in terms of the social and ecological return on the dollar. I was meeting people like that nearly every day in Europe, and those meetings have infiltrated me down to my bones. I love being inspired by people who make me say wow!

Here are some of the interviews that happened in Europe:


 And here are a few from before and after that trip:

I've also published a few articles recently. Most recent is this one in The Guardian, about Fed policy and the end of growth. I am hoping to become a regular contributor to give the ideas behind more work more mainstream exposure and credibility. This piece garnered tons of ignorant and unfair comments, as well as quite a few supportive, thoughtful ones. It would be helpful if people sympathetic to and familiar with my thinking could chime in with comments, likes, etc. In an 800-word limit, it is hard to introduce radically new ideas without sounding like a crackpot.

Two other articles, less "economics-y", that I like are "Money and the Divine Masculine" and "Naivete, and the Light in their Eyes."

Finally, some upcoming events: Istanbul, Santa Fe, New York, Wharton Business School (believe it or not), New York again, Hamburg. These should all be on the events page of



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