
Sunday, 15 February 2009

Nursing the flu, fighting crime

Apart from finishing my article on Bohumil Hrabal for Words without Borders, I have been out of action with flu for a few days. The financial crisis is hitting street level in the form of increased pickpocketing and burglary. I had my bag stolen in a store, my mother had her house burgled. Still we have a lot to be thankful for.
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Sunday, 8 February 2009

Online Novels

Yesterday I was contacted by Susan Crealock of Online Novels to post my novel Moldavite on her blog.
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Saturday, 7 February 2009

Back in Moravia

After a hectic but enjoyable few days on an education conference in Prague, I am at last back in Moravia to relax and write for a few days! Am currently very interested in Words Without Borders and Online Novels and looking forward to more comments from new readers of the first few chapters of my novel Moldavite on Smashwords. There is just such an exciting world of reading and writing out there. What fun!
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